Create a New Traveler's Profile

New Site
Please use the form below to create your traveler profile. You will not be able to update this information via the web once it has been submitted. Please take your time, and enter all information which applies to you. If you have any questions, please email


Carrousel Travel requires 2 business days to upload your profile information into our Corporate Travel Department . If you have immediate travel needs, please call our headquarter's office at 612-798-1490 between 8:30am-5:30pm CST

PLEASE NOTE This form should be used for NEW profiles only.
If you need to modify an existing profile, please email
Personal Information
TSA Regulation Items
Information is needed to comply with the new TSA
Secure Flight Program. More information regarding
the enhanced requirements can be found by clicking
the link below.

TSA Regulations
Home Address
Email Address
Business Information
Do not use dashes, periods or spaces.
Do not use dashes, periods or spaces.
Assistant's Information
Do not use dashes, periods or spaces.
Credit Card To Guarantee Hotel Accommodations
example 08/20
Credit Card to Charge Air Tickets
example 08/20
International Traveler Information
example 120803 (ddmmyy)
Airline Preferences and Frequent Flyer Memberships

You can store up to 9 Frequent Flyer Memberships. If you have no memberships to store, please proceed to the next section.

Frequent Flyer Number
Car Rental Information and Car Club Memberships

You can store up to 5 Car Club Memberships. If you have no memberships to store, please proceed to the next section.

Car Company
Membership Number
Hotel Preferences and Memberships

You can store up to 12 Hotel Memberships. If you have no memberships to store, click Submit.

* Denotes Hotel Brand Grouping

Hotel Company
Membership Number
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